A Galentine’s special!


This post is delayed by a few days, but it’s the thought that counts!! 🙂

So my #Untamed Style chickies and I decided to start a new ritual of celebrating Galentine’s Day.

What is this day, you ask?


Created by my favourite female television character on the silver screen (after Liz Lemon of course), Ms Leslie Knope of Parks and Rec – played by the ah-may-zing Amy Poehler – this special day is celebrated the day before Valentine’s Day.


I dedicate this year’s Galentine’s Day first and foremost to my lovely ladies of the Untamed Style posse and the rest of my lady friends around the world!

An article from online magazine The Siren says it best:

“Too often, in our heteronormative, male-centric world, the relationships that exist among women are overlooked or skewed. They’re viewed as supplementary to or less fulfilling than our relationships with our heterosexual romantic partners. The devaluation of these relationships can take a toll, sometimes subtle, but nevertheless prevalent in cultural media: pop stars battling it out over a boy, women calling each other out on their looks, etc. While these instances tend to occur in the realm of social media or celebrity circles, they are still harmful because they reproduce and subconsciously send the message that female friends exist on the surface level only. I cannot speak for all women when I say these instances are not characteristic of my own friendships, but I would hope the same is true for most women. In fact, I’m never more inspired or generous than when I’m surrounded by my female-identified friends sharing stories and struggles.

These are the moments that Galentine’s Day emphasizes and upholds by setting aside time during a season focused primarily on heterosexual partnerships to really consider how beautiful the women in our lives are.”


This day is for my ladies who care more for uplifting the women around them than criticising them. We can do away with the cattiness.

This day is for my ladies who believe in the power of female friendships. The kind of friendships where we help each belong to themselves and celebrate their uniqueness or similarities.

The Internet can be a double edged sword. We have our fill of haters, shamers, people throwing shade. But we also have friendships that bridge physical proximity, bonds that will not be broken easily and solidarity with our soul sisters.

When people speak of soul mates, it is largely represented within romantic relationships. I see it differently. I believe we don’t just have One soulmate. We have a few of them; these are the ‘keepers’..the ones that will stand by you come what may, even if they may not understand your reasons at times. They are the ones you can call at any time of the night to bare your soul to. They are the ones that root for you when times are good and sit with you when times are bad.


I have had the privilege of having soul sisters. True, friendship has evaded me for most part of my life but there have been a few good friends. I know not if I will have the pleasure of having a ‘forever friendship’. What I do know? There are phenomenal women in my life and I cherish their presence with all my heart 🙂

Ideally, I would love to sit all you girls down for a tasty dessert-breakfast and bask in the happy chatter of the table. Unfortunately, you girls live in different parts of the world! But you never know, we might actually make it happen 😉

To my soul sister Zadry :


Thank you for your beautiful soul that makes me smile and touches my heart with the sweet things that you do when you know that I am having a ‘moment’. If we met in person, I reckon we’d be laughing our heads off and squealing in excitement!
Love you Princess Z ❤ ❤ ❤

To my gypsy queen Michelle:


Thank you for the advice and support, you are my steady rock in these group of girlfriends and I am in constant amazement with your tenacity and honesty. Love your Sweet bohemian heart M ❤ ❤ ❤

To my Dragon Queen Pia:


Thank you for being such a force of nature with your body positive messages and the causes you fight for.
You inspire me to be more courageous and to take a stand. Love you my fire-breathing Queen ❤ ❤ ❤

To my Renaissance woman Vanessa:


Thank you for the uplifting messages through the work that you put out. You inspire me to better myself and I admire your talents immensely. Love you Darling V ❤ ❤ ❤

To my bold diva with a big heart Margot:


Thank you for staying original in a world that rejects us square pegs in round holes and for championing other women like you and I. I love the way you think and I value the support that you have given this new friend. You Are Amazing my Sweetheart ❤ ❤ ❤

To my Wonder Woman on the move Veronica:


Thank you for showing me that putting myself out there and being ambitious while living to the beat of your drum is totally possible. Thank you for showing me your support in your own way and for being a bold woman of colour role model. Stay Awesome babe ❤ ❤ ❤

There are So many women that I would like to dedicate this post to. My readers, friends, newly made friends. If you are someone who makes a positive impact in my life, I make it a point to let you know that I appreciate your presence.

Nevertheless here is a big
Hey Girl, You’re Fab! shoutout to :

My baby sister Archana,
Rebecca, Ratna, Rani, Harsha, Munira,
Sekinah, Noor, Angel, Leah, Heather,
Esther, Chita, Sunita, Priscilla Boh,
Kokila, Miz Liz and Gillian.

Now this post will be incomplete without a Galentine’s Playlist!
You can check it out Here

(Yup, that’s my personal YouTube account)

Share some love with your friends on Galentine’s Day next year or have a party! I know I’ll be planning one from the end of this year 🙂

My #Untamed Style girlies have amazing Galentine’s Day posts so do check theirs out!

Veronica of CID Style File

Michelle of Glitter In The Dirt

Margot Meanie

Vanessa Leigh

Zadry of Curves Ala Mode

Pia of Mixed Fat Chick

I shall leave you with this :


Have a beautiful day 🙂
much love ❤

4 thoughts on “A Galentine’s special!”

  1. Absolutely lovely and from the heart! Thank you so much for such amazingly kind words. This group of women are inspired and motivating.

    I’m so happy to have met you all!💜

  2. My relationships with some of my girlfriends have been the most enduring, formative and powerful of my life. Nothing can replace them.

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