we must be doing something right – The fat acceptance, size acceptance revolution

I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore the sad souls that deemed this week as Fat Shaming Week on the Twitterverse.
Well, but I was not sure how long I would last without saying something About this.

We must be doing something right for these sad souls to actually go the distance and make such a din.

They are so far gone with their delusions of aesthetic perfection, ‘fit is the new thin’ mentality that they believe We are deluded about our acceptance of the size of our extravagant curves.

They don’t know how we do it.
It irks them to no end that there is a revolution called Fat Acceptance.

That despite being bombarded by beauty magazines that teach us to hate ourselves and not accept our imperfections, That despite having been subjected to fat taunts and snide remarks, That despite being ignored by the media and fashion industry for a very long time, That despite having insecurities about ourselves – WE DO NOT HATE OURSELVES.

In response to the tweets, links, pictures put up by the people who support fat shamers, I would like to say this :

There has been a revolution brewing for a few years now started by men & women who have constantly fought against the grain. We love our bodies at any size. Maybe not every second of every day, but we are not squeamish about our imperfections like you are.

We are the people that have stopped wanting a different body, a more ‘perfect’ one. We have stopped dieting and starving ourselves. We lead long, fulfilling lives without obsessing over our BMI’s.

It is assumed that people like Me don’t know the first thing about being healthy. That we have never seen the inside of a gym, stepped on a treadmill and had a run. We do not know how to take care of our well being. We can’t be fashionable. It is as if we don’t deserve to be happy, find love, be successful or be privy to the good things in life.

We are not the labels hurled at us, and guess what? We do not judge others’ choices. My Fat Acceptance does not make you fat ,although I would love to see how you would fare if it does.

Perhaps there should an annual unexplainable phenomenon where a Freaky Friday exchange of souls transpires.

The fact of the matter is, I live with a realistic mindset. It took me years and a lot of guts to be emancipated from my size and other issues. That goes for a whole lot of women who believe in size acceptance.

Just as I believe in freedom of gender orientation, sexual orientation, religious/non religious affiliation, I believe in body positivity. This is a concept for ALL bodies. This means that I accept a person as she/he is, in all their flaws and in all their glory.

These fat shamers have so much hate because of the hate they carry within themselves. I challenge them not to succumb to disillusioning societal norms. I challenge them to stop comparing themselves with photoshopped and airbrushed models or celebrities. I challenge them to be confident like someone who stands for the body positive revolution.

Let’s really be honest here.
Fat shaming is stemmed from insecurity.
Don’t make your issue My issue.

6 thoughts on “we must be doing something right – The fat acceptance, size acceptance revolution”

  1. Good post! And you’re RIGHT. Insecurities manifesting as mean spiritedness has started this ‘counter revolution’ and sucks to be them.

  2. Amen to this, my confident and beautiful, sister-in-size-acceptance! Thank you so much for visiting BigBodyBeautiful, following me, and liking my posts. I love your blog so much and will be following you, too. Warm hugs, BigLizzy

    1. Hello BigLizzy! I am constantly looking for fellow size acceptance comrades to follow and I just loved your blog from the moment I stumbled upon it!
      Warm hugs to you too šŸ™‚
      Love, Olivia

      1. Yay! So glad to know you, my new friend and sister, Aarti Olivia, you beautiful soul! Please consider doing a guest post over here sometime. We would LOVE to have you. Okay, I am off to click “follow” on your blog, honey. Hooraaay!

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